
Sustainable and green electronics for the circular economy


Sustronics is a funded EU project with the goal to become ‘the’ European flagship project for sustainable electronics, by building an ecosystem to demonstrate how the electronics industry can benefit from:

  • Sustainable materials
  • Sustainable manufacturing
  • Eco-design
  • Energy efficient products
  • Circular business models


One of Sustronic’s three use cases is about the fabrication and use of “environmentally compatible single-use electronics” components. Sigma Cognition will collaborate with ONALABS, CSIC and Universitat Rovira i Virgili, on pilot 3.1: single-use diagnostic point-of-care (POC).

Sigma will contribute to data processing related to relevant biomarkers and certain diseases (such as diabetes) to be monitored using sustainable sweat sensors. Our goal is to analyze the data with AI algorithms to predict and provide patients with means to improve their evolution through lifestyle recommendations.

Participating in Sustronics provides us the opportunity to dig deeper into the research of AI algorithms (Machine Learning and Deep Learning) that enable communication, data management and data security, particularly applied to data processing in the e-Health sector, by using sustainable sensors.


Sigma will support the Sustronics consortium through the creation of AI algorithms and consulting related to the data management and security of data processing.


The project runs from June 2023 thru May 2026, and is currently in the project definition and development phase. Check back for updates!



The project is co-funded by the European Union under grant agreement 101112109. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. This project is supported by the Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking and its members under grant agreement 1021112109 including top up funding by Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, Latvia, Poland and Sweden. This work also received funding from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).


The Sustronics consortium is composed of 46 partners from 11 different countries involving large enterprises, SMEs, research organizations and universities throughout the electronics value chain & life cycle. Sustronics brings the electronics industry closer to meeting Green Deal objectives while at the same time improving competitiveness and strategic autonomy.


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